EZ Wealth Solution and DigiSoft Payline – Two Million Dollar Business Plans
EZ Wealth Solution and DigiSoft Payline : Two One Million Dollar Business Plans in 19 Weeks or Less
Lots of people ask me about EZ Wealth Solution and DigiSoftPayline...
Here are details on both, I hope you choose to join one or both of them today and promote heavily!
The digital products in both are fantastic and will help you become a better marketer in anything you promote.
The videos and admin will help close your sales of both businesses, 24 hours per day.
DSP: The $1,000,000 in 19 Weeks Plan: Minimum to join is $22, recommended to join both packages at $57, then $7 per month:
While reading this, keep in mind that many members of DSP have received numerous commissions from Packages #1 & #2 in a DAY. If that happened for every member, we could each have approximately $1,000,000 within DAYS, not weeks!
Here's what can happen if each member is qualified to earn from Package #2 and gets at least 1 sale of Package #2 per week or per day (the videos help close your sales!)...
Week 1 (or even better...Day 1)
You make 1 personal sale of Package #2 and start a payline: 1 Payline in Package #2: You receive $35
Week 2 (or Day 2)
You make a sale of #2 and your payliner passes up one qualifying sale on #2: 3 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $70
Week 3 (or Day 3)
You make a sale of #2 and your three payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 6 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $140
Week 4 (or Day 4)
You make a sale of #2 and your 6 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 11 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $245
Week 5 (or Day 5)
You make a sale of #2 and your 11 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 19 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $420
Week 6 (or Day 6)
You make a sale of #2 and your 19 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 32 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $700
Week 7 (or Day 7)
You make a sale of #2 and your 32 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 53 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $1,15
Week 8 (or Day 8)
You make a sale of #2 and your 53 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 87 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $1,890
Week 9 (or Day 9)
You make a sale of #2 and your 87 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 143 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $3,080
Week 10 (or Day 10)
You make a sale of #2 and your 143 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 232 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $5,040
Week 11 (or Day 11)
You make a sale of #2 and your 232 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 377 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $8,155
Week 12 (or Day 12)
You make a sale of #2 and your 377 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 611 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $13,230
Week 13 (or Day 13)
You make a sale of #2 and your 611 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 990 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $21,420
Week 14 (or Day 14)
You make a sale of #2 and your 990 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 1,603 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $34,685
Week 15 (or Day 15)
You make a sale of #2 and your 1,603 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 2,595 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $56,140
Week 16 (or Day 16)
You make a sale of #2 and your 2,595 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 4,200 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $90,860
Total Income For Your First 16 Weeks At Package Level #2: $237,265
Added to all the $15 commissions for Package #1, you could receive way more than a total of $237,265.
The money does not stop at week 16 because every Personal Sale you make starts a new Payline, and every Payline pays you Infinity Deep for life!
Check out what happens when we add 3 more Weeks (or Days)
Week 17 (or Day 17)
You make a sale of #2 and your 4,200 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 6,796 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $147,035
Week 18 (or Day 18)
You make a sale of #2 and your 6,796 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 10,998 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $237,895
Week 19 (or Day 19)
You make a sale of #2 and your 10,998 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: 17,796 Paylines in Package #2: You receive $384,965
Total Income Potential For Your First 19 Weeks at Package #2 $1,007,160 ... and it doesn't stop there!
Click here to take a serious look at the compensation video and join today. I will send you my best ad sources when you join!
(This is NOT MLM, it's 100% commissions for sales of digital products, admin helps close your sales. Package #2 is Double Infinity Paylines, and so are Packages 3, 4, and 5!)
If you seriously study and understand the Million Dollar Plan below, you'd be joining immediately and getting as many tour-takers as possible, and following up with them, encouraging them to join. You could be receiving over $1,000 per week by your 5th week. YOU only need to get ONE new Payliner per WEEK up to Package #2, and THEY each only need to pass up TWO sales of Package #2 to you...Let's get focused on it and STAY focused on it until we make a Million Dollars happen for EACH of us THIS YEAR! Thanks 🙂
Many new members are starting with Package #2 and getting tour-takers and signups to Package #2 also!
While reading this, keep in mind that many members of EZWS have received as many as 3 or 5 or more commissions from Package #2 in a DAY. If that happened for every member, we could each have well over a MILLION DOLLARS within DAYS, not weeks or months!
Here's what can happen if each member is qualified to earn from at least Package #2 and gets at least 1 sale of Package #2 per week or per day (the videos help close your sales!) Each of your team members does NOT need to bring in 17 new Payliners for you to achieve this income, each of them only needs to pass up 2 qualifying sales of Package #2 to you in order for you to receive the amounts shown below!
Week 1 (or even better...Day 1)
You make 1 personal sale of Package #2: You receive $97 from your sale and you now have 1 Payline in Package #2.
Week 2 (or Day 2)
You make a sale of #2 and your payliner passes up one qualifying sale on #2: You receive $194 from those 2 sales and you now have 3 Paylines in Package #2.
Week 3 (or Day 3)
You make a sale of #2 and your 3 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: You receive $388 from those 4 sales and you now have 6 Paylines in Package #2.
Week 4 (or Day 4)
You make a sale of #2 and your 6 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: You receive $679 from those 7 sales and you now have 11 Paylines in Package #2.
Week 5 (or Day 5)
You make a sale of #2 and your 11 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: You receive $1,164 from those 12 sales and you now have 19 Paylines in Package #2.
Week 6 (or Day 6)
You make a sale of #2 and your 19 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: You receive $1,940 from those 20 sales and you now have 32 Paylines in Package #2.
Week 7 (or Day 7)
You make a sale of #2 and your 32 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: You receive $3,201 from those 33 sales and you now have 53 Paylines in Package #2.
Week 8 (or Day 8)
You make a sale of #2 and your 53 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: You receive $5,238 from those 54 sales and you now have 87 Paylines in Package #2.
Week 9 (or Day 9)
You make a sale of #2 and your 87 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: You receive $8,536 from those 88 sales and you now have 143 Paylines in Package #2.
Week 10 (or Day 10)
You make a sale of #2 and your 143 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: You receive $13,968 from those 144 sales and you now have 232 Paylines in Package #2.
Week 11 (or Day 11)
You make a sale of #2 and your 232 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: You receive $22,601 from those 233 sales and you now have 377 Paylines in Package #2.
Week 12 (or Day 12)
You make a sale of #2 and your 377 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: You receive $36,666 from those 378 sales and you now have 611 Paylines in Package #2.
Week 13 (or Day 13)
You make a sale of #2 and your 611 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: You receive $59,364 from those 612 sales and you now have 990 Paylines in Package #2.
Week 14 (or Day 14)
You make a sale of #2 and your 990 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: You receive $96,127 from those 991 sales and you now have 1,603 Paylines in Package #2.
Week 15 (or Day 15)
You make a sale of #2 and your 1,603 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: You receive $155,588 from those 1,604 sales and you now have 2,595 Paylines in Package #2.
Week 16 (or Day 16)
You make a sale of #2 and your 2,595 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: You receive $251,812 from those 2,596 sales and you now have 4,200 Paylines in Package #2.
Week 17 (or Day 17)
You make a sale of #2 and your 4,200 payliners pass up one qualifying sale on #2: You receive $407,497 from those 4,201 sales.
TOTAL: $1,065,060 PLUS many of those payliners could also have additional qualifying $47 commissions for Package #1 for you. This can continue to go higher, day after day!
==>> If you are qualified higher than Package #2 and get numerous personal sales AND passups from Package #3, #4, and #5 team members, your income can be much larger from unlimited daily commissions of $247, $497, and $997, and combinations of all package commissions!
Tour or log in thru the link below to take a serious look at the compensation videos and join today.
Click here to take a serious look at the compensation videos and join today. When you join and become a Payliner, I will send you my best ad sources.

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